4. Advanced#

4.1. Resource Objects and Properties#

The library distinguishes between two kinds of data in the Jira REST API: resources and properties.

A resource is a REST entity that represents the current state of something that the server owns; for example, the issue called “ABC-123” is a concept managed by Jira which can be viewed as a resource obtainable at the URL http://jira-server/rest/api/latest/issue/ABC-123. All resources have a self link: a root-level property called self which contains the URL the resource originated from. In jira-python, resources are instances of the Resource object (or one of its subclasses) and can only be obtained from the server using the find() method. Resources may be connected to other resources: the issue Resource is connected to a user Resource through the assignee and reporter fields, while the project Resource is connected to a project lead through another user Resource.


A resource is connected to other resources, and the client preserves this connection. In the above example, the object inside the issue object at issue.fields.assignee is not just a dict – it is a full-fledged user Resource object. Whenever a resource contains other resources, the client will attempt to convert them to the proper subclass of Resource.

A properties object is a collection of values returned by Jira in response to some query from the REST API. Their structure is freeform and modeled as a Python dict. Client methods return this structure for calls that do not produce resources. For example, the properties returned from the URL http://jira-server/rest/api/latest/issue/createmeta are designed to inform users what fields (and what values for those fields) are required to successfully create issues in the server’s projects. Since these properties are determined by Jira’s configuration, they are not resources.

The Jira client’s methods document whether they will return a Resource or a properties object.