1. Installation#

The easiest (and best) way to install jira-python is through pip:

pip install 'jira[cli]'

This will handle installation of the client itself as well as the requirements. The [cli] part installs dependencies for the jirashell binary, and may be omitted if you just need the library.

If you’re going to run the client standalone, we strongly recommend using a virtualenv:

python -m venv jira_python
source jira_python/bin/activate
pip install 'jira[cli]'


python -m venv jira_python
jira_python/bin/pip install 'jira[cli]'

Doing this creates a private Python “installation” that you can freely upgrade, degrade or break without putting the critical components of your system at risk.

Source packages are also available at PyPI:

1.1. Dependencies#

Python >=3.8 is required.

  • requests - python-requests library handles the HTTP business. Usually, the latest version available at time of release is the minimum version required; at this writing, that version is 1.2.0, but any version >= 1.0.0 should work.

  • requests-oauthlib - Used to implement OAuth. The latest version as of this writing is 1.3.0.

  • requests-kerberos - Used to implement Kerberos.

  • ipython - The IPython enhanced Python interpreter provides the fancy chrome used by Headers.

  • filemagic - This library handles content-type autodetection for things like image uploads. This will only work on a system that provides libmagic; Mac and Unix will almost always have it preinstalled, but Windows users will have to use Cygwin or compile it natively. If your system doesn’t have libmagic, you’ll have to manually specify the contentType parameter on methods that take an image object, such as project and user avatar creation.

Installing through pip takes care of these dependencies for you.